Brisken of the Fae


Chapter 3: Amongst the Elves

Ryker’s skull was throbbing when he finally woke up. He opened his eyes to a blinding light above him, squinting them in the process; the crackle of a torch humming along. He looked around the illuminated environment; the room Ryker was in was small, cramped, and hot. Simple cots lined the walls, each with a small, but bright torch above them. The shadows of the cots danced across the grassy floor, light reflected in the morning dew on each blade. At the far end of the room, sunlight was streaming in from a hole in the wall. The sounds of buzzing bugs and morning routines could be heard just outside.

Medical tent, great,'' Ryker thought, “at least it's not another cell”. He went to wipe the sweat from his brow but found his movement restricted. 

“What the hell,” he muttered. 

His arm was in a cloth sling encased in a silvery, metal cast that was pinned to his chest. Red glowing runes covered the surface, pulsating with a dim glow. Ryker went to remove the cast but found it locked in place. Ryker pulled and pried it to no avail, the cast refused to move. 

Ryker sighed in frustration, realizing his efforts were useless. He pulled the blankets on his body off, throwing them onto the ground with an irritated thump. Stepping onto the cold ground, the wet grass squished and squashed beneath his feet as he moved. 

“Where am I anyway,” Ryker wondered. Scratching the back of his head, he found that his head was also encased in cloth bandages; they were damp with his sweat and slightly bloodied.

He went towards the tent's open front, the whiff of cooking meats filled his nose; the racket of chatter became louder and louder. He stepped out of the tent and onto the campgrounds before him, the dual-colored sunlight harshly blinding him as he did so.

A small sea of tents and sizzling fires spread out before Ryker, the smoke from which blanketed the blue sky in dark clouds slowly rising upward. Lavender covered trees swayed in the breeze around the camp, their leaves rising and falling like a sleeping giant’s chest. Soldiers in wrinkled clothes and tunics crowded around the campfires; cooking their breakfast and enjoying each other’s company, with the sound of their laughter and banter filling the wind they were unaware of Ryker’s presence. Others slowly streamed from green-colored tents, yawning and scratching themselves with lazy intent, heading towards some crude wooden shacks near the edge of the camp. 

“Ugh, more Elves. Better find Aaron and mothers quickly then; I don’t wanna be here for any longer then I have too,” Ryker said to himself. He continued onwards into the camp but was stopped short. Two spears came down from either side of Ryker, blocking his progress from the tent. Dressed in leather cloaks and chain mail, they scowled at Ryker.

“And where do you think you’re going, Smoothear,” one of them asked. He glared down at Ryker.

“Not anywhere while your pointy sticks are in my way, elf.”

“Good, now back in the tent with you. The Captain will be here to interrogate you soon”

“And where might my family be?”

“Back in the tent,” the guard spat onto the ground and pushed Ryker back into the tent with force. Ryker stumbled backward onto a cot, shaking as he landed on it. It threatened to collapse under his weight. His chest ached where the guard pushed him, sharp pain radiating from his lower ribs. Broken ribs, another thing to add to Ryker’s growing list of injuries Melissa would chew him out for. 

Cradling his chest with his good arm, Ryker picked himself off the cot. He brushed the dirt off his jeans, and went back to his cot and laid down upon it; sighing as he relaxed his body on the cooling sheets. Ryker was surprised, he wasn’t expecting his cot to be this brisk, and upon examination, he found the sheet was covered in runes as well. Glowing blue and white runes that were skillfully sewn into the fibers with a silvery material. 

Is there anything these elves don’t use magic for,” he thought to himself, “This is getting ridiculous.”

Putting his sheet down, he stretched himself on the cot like a lazy cat; enjoying the cooling respite from the summer weather of the tent. With nothing better to do, Ryker stared out at the campsite, absorbing the hustle and bustle of a waking army.

“I hope Aaron and the others are alright. They’re probably being held elsewhere, given that I’m alive anyway and assuming they got caught as well. Maybe they got away, I sure hope they did, whatever these long-eared bastards want with us can’t be good; especially if they were willing to ambush our prison escort like that. I guess that's why they kept me alive and bothered to treat my wounds, they want something from us,” Ryker pondered, “but the question is, what? And why did that first bastard want us too?” Lost in thought, Ryker was oblivious to the elf who came into the tent. She lightly shook his arm, starling Ryker awake. 

Ryker looked up at her; she was an amazoness of a woman, easily a full head taller than him. Her hazel hair tied into a single braid running down her back, past a short sword strapped to the back a pair of greenish-brown travel pants. She stepped away from Ryker, adjusting her leather tunic as she did so. She brushed her bangs out of her pale, pretty face, and past the elongated daggers that the elves called their ears.

“Ryker is it,” she asked, staring down at him with an apprehensive look on her face.

“That would be me,” Ryker responded, “I’m assuming since you’re using my name you have my brother and mothers held somewhere, and that you want something from us?”

“How did you know that?”

“Our last captors only ever called us toys or playthings, smoothear if we were lucky. You giving me basic respect means that you don’t know what we’re capable of yet. This also means that capture was your top priority; if that failed your only other option would be to kill us.”

“That doesn’t explain how you know those other ones survived and are here.”

“Let me put it to you this way...” Ryker stood up to face the elf, his head only reaching her chin. He smiled smugly at her, “If you were forced to kill them, you would be dead. My mother, Sarah, would’ve killed you.”

The elf stepped back quickly from Ryker, shock filled her face, “And what if they simply evaded capture?”

“Either way, you wouldn’t be here now, would you Anjali?”

Anjali bit her tongue, stunned at how quickly the man at her feet saw right through what they were doing. He was clever, too clever for her liking. She clenched her gloved fist and took a quick breath. He might have seen right through her leverage, but that didn’t mean he had the power here. He wasn’t the one in control, she was. Stepping back in front of him, she held her back high in an attempt to look more intimidating.

Ryker wasn’t phased, he just quietly sat back on the cot and continued to smugly smile.

“Just because you know they survived doesn’t mean you’ve won. We can just as easily kill them now; right in front of you if you refuse to talk,” she said.

“You know, you’re not very good at this interrogation thing Anjali.”

“That doesn’t matter, you’re coming with me to Captain Argust.”


Anjali blinked. She wasn’t expecting the smoothear to so easily agree to go with her, not after how easily he toyed with her previously.

“What? Did you think I wasn’t gonna go talk? I’m not stupid,” Ryker said, replying to her befuddled look.

“Then why argue with me in the first place?!”

“To see you squirm, mostly. I think you can figure out the rest on your own,” Ryker said boldly. Hoping off the cot, he strolled past Anjali, the same smug grin on his face. He waited by the exit to the camp, “Well? Are we going or what?”

“I- You- Let's just go to the captain,” Anjali said, embarrassed. She led Ryker out of the tent, her head held down in shame. The pair of guards at the door followed after them, their spears held over their shoulders; they followed close to Ryker’s back.

The camp stared at the group as they made their way towards a big, red tent at the head of the camp. Their gazes transfixed on Ryker, a mixture of curious stares and deathly glares surrounded him. They were murmuring in low, hushed tones in a poor attempt to hide their voices from Ryker’s ears.

“That’s the smoothear, huh?”

“His eyes freak me out; too small, and they’re green. Unnatural.”

“That's the thing that nearly killed Ulia? Doesn’t seem so impressive to me.”

“Careful! I heard that he and his buddies killed a hundred of the King’s soldiers. That's why they had them locked up.”

“And what? Does the captain think he can tame them or something? Hah, I sooner bet Zanzar getting accepted into the pantheon than that happening.”

“Is he even an Anuri? He’s so short and his ears so small.”

“His hair, black like a Balthazar’s. That thing is evil.”

Despite his earlier power play with Anjali, Ryker felt powerless here. A lone man surrounded by unknown creatures in an unknown land. It was only a matter of time before they killed him and his family; or worse, threw them back into the hell they just escaped from. Ryker shuddered at the thought of going back to those damned experiments the Bastard Elf performed on them. He bowed his head low, avoiding eye contact with the soldiers around him and tried to drown out the rumors circulating around them. He hoped his stint bought him enough time to think of a way to escape with Aaron and the others, or at least delay their deaths.

A few elvish soldiers approached the group as they traveled past their breakfast campfires. Their faces held contempt for Ryker, their hands clenched in angry fists. One of them held her hand on her belt dagger, keeping it ready for any sudden attacks. Anjali stepped in front of them before they could get any closer to her captive.

“And what are you three doing away from your unit’s fire,” she asked, making sure they kept their distance from Ryker.

“What’s it look like we’re doing? We’re preparing our daily meat ration.,” the female soldier replied, looking past Anjali and glaring at Ryker. Ryker glared back, matching her scowl with his own sour look. 

“Right, well this ‘Meat’ isn’t yours. He’s the Captain’s and I'm under strict orders to make sure he gets his breakfast.”

“Well that's good and all, but we’re ‘hungry’ now. And I don’t think the Captain is the kind of Anurian to let his men starve,” another soldier replied. He tried to push past Anjali, using his massive size to brush past her like a wooden gate in the wind, but Anjali held firm. Ryker’s guards stepped forward to separate them. Their scruffle had attracted a crowd around them, like vultures to a fresh carcass. Ryker stood there frozen, looking ahead blankly.

“It’s dangerous anyway, right? I’m sure the Captain won’t mind if we take care of it,” the third elf softly said. He managed to push past Anjali and the guards and get close to Ryker. A curious hatred brewed in his eyes. The elf put his hands on Ryker’s shoulders, getting creepily close to his face. Ryker smelled alcohol on his breath, like a fermenting corpse; Ryker felt a familiar feeling.

Another drunk I have to deal with. I figured I wouldn’t have to deal with those assholes anymore,”  Ryker thought, he pushed the elf away from him. The elf stumbled backward and fell onto his bottom like a newborn calf, struggling to get back onto his feet. Finding his footing, he brought himself onto his knees and rose past Ryker’s height. The elf’s brown mop of hair swaying in the wind as a silence draped over the camp like a blanket. He took some steps towards Ryker.

“See? The meat is dangerous, and needs to learn its place,” he said, his words slurring together.

“Ferig, you’re clearly intoxicated. Leave the smoothear to the Captain,” one of Ryker’s guards said. He stepped toward Ferig and put a hand on his shoulder, pulling him away from Ryker. The elf spat on the ground and shoved the guard away. Ryker locked eyes with the drunken elf and put his one good fist up in a defensive pose. 

“And what's the Captain planning on doing with him anyway,” he said threateningly as he approached Ryker. Malic in his eyes, he began to pull his dagger from his belt.

“You’re right, Ferig, what DO I plan on doing with him anyway,” a voice asked from out behind Ryker. Ryker jumped, startled at the elf’s sudden appearance. He turned and faced the voice, his arm still held up ready for a fight.

The Elf was tall and imposing, boasting a suit of glittering silver armor. A full, properly trimmed gray beard ornamented his regal face; his hair, similarly gray, was trimmed short. His long ears were decorated with metal ornaments, writings in a language Ryker could not understand adorned them. Silver runes pulsated across his breastplate, a noble-looking sword graced his side like a new wife. On his pauldrons was a symbol that looked like a reversed Manji, each arm ending in an arrow and enclosed in a crescent moon shape, under it was a simple upside-down U with a line under it, making it look like a little umbrella. Ryker somehow felt safe beneath this elve’s shadow; it scared him.

The Elf noticed Ryker’s staring and walked up to him. Ryker took a step back in defense. Their gazes met; tensions grew from their looks, settling over them like a deep fog. The Captain approached Ryker again, keeping his arms behind his back. Ryker stood his ground and held his face stern against the Captain’s approach. 

“You heal better than I thought you would, considering the broken ribs, arm and that damaged kidney,” The Captain said to him, his voice betraying a surprising amount of gentleness and concern for the human’s wellbeing. He continued, “Though that isn’t that surprising really, we do have a great field medic after all.”

Ryker patted his side where he got cut before, he had forgotten all about the wound. He lifted his tattered t-shirt, a sloping cut in it was the only evidence that Ryker had been wounded; there wasn’t even a scar on his skin.

“More of your magic I’m guessing,” Ryker asked, clutching the area where his side had been opened.

“Perhaps, or maybe you’re just a fast healer,” the Captain said, a smug grin growing on his face. He extended a hand towards Ryker, inviting him to grab it.

“We should go discuss that now, shan’t we?

Ryker grunted in annoyance and slapped his hand away. Ryker didn’t trust these elves, one moment they’re trying to kill him the next they’re extending hands of friendship for seemingly no reason. He continued his glare at the Captain, but he dropped his defensive posture; he at least knew this elf didn’t want to hurt him yet. No reason to give him one either.

The Captain’s smug faded and was replaced by a small frown. He bowed and shook his head, his silver ear ornaments making soft chiming sounds as he did so. He moved past Ryker and stood in front of the elf that was harassing him previously, Ferig, standing coldly above him. Freig stared blankly up at the Captain, a thousand-yard stare filling his face and his hand still on his dagger. 

“Now Freig,” the Captain began, “This is Ryker, a guest of mine and a highly valuable asset to us. You have been quite disrespectful to him, and I need you to apologize right now.”

“But, Captain, he’s a damn smoo-,” Freig’s retort was interrupted by the captain slapping him full force across his face with a gauntlet clad hand. It made a ringing sound as it struck his flesh; a red welt began to form on the drunken elf’s face. Freig looked straight at Ryker, the same hatred filling his eyes but with a sort of teary-eyed clarity behind them as well. He let go of his dagger, letting it scabbard itself 

“Forgive my rudeness, Ryker, I had no knowledge that you were of such importance and will act in your best interests from this moment on. I do not expect your forgiveness, but please allow me to redeem myself,” Freig said through his teeth. He threw his head back towards the sky as if he was doing a reverse bow.

Ryker was flabbergasted, The Captain had an incredible amount of control over seemingly the most unruly of soldiers. Ryker was impressed, both over his leadership and how the Captain could switch between gentle and stern when the situation called for it. He looked back at Freig, his head still held back towards the blazing sky. Ryker sighed.

“Whatever, just leave me alone, will you,” Ryker asked.

Freig released his head and moved away from the crowd that had formed around them now. The Captain held up a fist and shouted into the crowd.

“All right, that’s enough! Nothing else to see here soldiers. Now go back to your meals or we’re marching 5000 heicts instead of 4!”

Murmurs and whispers echoed through the crowd as the soldiers dissipated. Anjali quickly approached the captain, her arms held behind her back like a butler’s. She threw her head back like Frieg had done before, her face shining in the twin sun’s light above. Ryker’s guards followed her lead, placing themselves right behind Anjali.

“Captain, forgive our tardiness, we were on our way towards your tent sir,” Anjali said apologetically. 

“It's quite alright Lieutenant, I should’ve figured that Ryker here may have attracted some… unwanted attention,” the Captain replied with a smile, “But that was before and we’re in the after. Now come, let’s get our guest out of here, I can feel the death stares from every direction.”

“Sir,” the three of them said in unison. They quickly took their formations back around Ryker, Anjali leading and his guards behind. The Captain took up a pace next to Ryker, and they continued their escort towards the captain’s tent.

“I apologize for my soldier's behavior today,” the captain interjected against their silence, “I should’ve known how quickly word of your exploits would spread across here.”

“It’s alright, at least only one of them wanted to openly kill me this time,” Ryker replied jokingly. The Captain held up a hand to his mouth and stifled a laugh. Stares came from all around, some curious others furious.

“Although I don’t think what I did could be considered an exploit by any means,” Ryker began, “More so just desperation and a lot of luck.”

“That may be true, but either way, my best battle mage has a stab wound in his shoulder thanks to you. Not many people can say that.”

“I hope he isn’t as angry as that Frieg guy was; I never even touched the elf and he wanted to gut me like a fish. I can only imagine what that guy wants to do to me,” Ryker wondered. They stopped in front of the Captain’s tent, its crimson entrance flaps adorned with the same symbols that were present on the Captain’s armor. Holding them open, the captain let the group into his quarters. The guards accompanying them had taken up places on either side of the entranceway.

“Why don’t we ask him ourselves then,” the Captain said as Ryker made his way into the dark tent. A single light animated from a large torch on the roof of the tent, a table cluttered in maps and various documents sat in the center of the room. On one side of the table were 3 elves. One with golden hair tied in twin buns on his head and similarly golden scruff adorning his face. Another elf held her arms across her chest, loose bright red hair obscured her face, but it failed to hide her mouth which was contorted into a permanent frown. And finally, the last elf had his mud-colored hair in a high ponytail and his shoulder bandaged like a flat tire. Each of them was clad in the same armor that Anjali was in, each etched in pulsating silver runes. 

And on the other side of the table sat Aaron, Melissa, and Sarah. They wore old looking tunics that were two sizes too big for each of them filled with moth holes; together they were enjoying a meal of bread and dried meats. Melissa turned toward Ryker, and her face lit up like a firework.

“Ryker,” she exclaimed. Sarah jumped up from her seat and threw herself at Ryker, nearly knocking him to the ground. Ryker hugged his mother back, enjoying her warmth; he put his face into her hair in affection. Ryer scrunched his face upwards; she reeked.

“I’m guessing baths haven’t been invented yet, have they,” Ryker asked, “You smell like a wet dog.”

Melissa came over to the two of them. She hugged Ryker’s back, “Sorry, they haven’t let us out of this tent since they caught us,” she apologized, “You don’t smell much better though.”

Aaron finally joined the trio, embracing the three of them as best he could, “We all smell like shit,” he said. The three of them laughed together in harmony, they were back together at last.

Ahem,” came a voice from behind. Ryker looked behind him, the Captain looked impatient, with an annoyed look on his face. He stroked his trimmed beard and walked past them, taking his seat at the head of the table. He leaned forward and crossed his arms on the table, and tapped his fingers on a rolled-up map, “I don’t mean to interrupt, but there are some things we need to discuss,” he said sternly. The Captain stared at the trio in expectation.

“Of course,” Melissa replied. The four of them took up empty seats to the left of the table. Ryker looked around, the elves on the other side of the table stared at the four of them.

“Lots of stares today,” Aaron said

“Oh, so I’m not the only one,” Ryker retorted, “Glad I’m not alone.”

“That's enough chit chatter,” the Captain interjected, the room went silent and cold. He sighed and stretched his back along his chair’s high backing. “Let me properly introduce myself,” the Captain began, “My name is Argust Sliv’ok. I lead and command the 31st Military company of the United Anurian Conglomeration as its captain under the banner of the Sunrise God: Treseny.”

He pointed at the elf with the golden buns, “That is Hro, my field officer and second in command.” Hro crossed his arms and dropped his head, he looked bored by the conversation. Argust then gestured to the one with the permanent frown, “She is Kelosklia, my head medical officer. She’s the one who treated your wounds.” Kelosklia looked away from Ryker and his family, if she didn’t want to be recognized or was just simply embarrassed they couldn’t tell, her eyes betrayed no secrets. Argust then finally directed them to the Elf with the bandaged shoulder, he was shooting daggers at Ryker, “And that is Ulia, my battlemage and main strategist, and the Anurian you put a sword-spear through.” 

Ulia stood from his seat and walked around the table to Ryker, never averting his gaze. He stood above Ryker like the reaper, here to harvest his soul. Ulia breathed in, and murmured something under his breath, Ryker prepared for whatever wrath the elf had in store for him; readying himself for a fight. Ryker looked towards the Captain, the elves across the table, and to his family. All of them sat and stared at the fate Ryker was about to have. Suddenly, Ulia slammed an open palm against Ryker’s head, and then calmly strolled back into his seat, still chillingly staring at him. Ryker’s hair stood on end. Ulia simply placed his legs on the table.

Everyone was staring at Ryker, he wondered what the elf had done to him. Could it really be that terrible, he didn’t feel any different. Aaron stifled a laugh, and Ryker turned his head towards him. He was doing a poor job at containing his giggles. Anjali was next, barely able to hide her laughter, she was covering her mouth and holding her abdomen, silently laughing to herself. Argust couldn’t contain himself and burst out laughing causing the flood gates to open. The tent erupted into laughter as if it was a funhouse at the circus. 

“What?” Ryker asked, “What’s so funny?”

“Your- your hair sweetie,'' Sarah said between bouts of giggling. 

“What about it?”

“You look like a goddamn onion,” Melissa shouted abruptly.

Ryker swarmed his hands to his hair, it was completely upright and sticking out at odd angles. He tried to pat it down, but it held firm against his attempts to tame it. His desperate struggle only worsened the laughter inside the tent. Ryker blushed in shame and embarrassment. 

Ulia’s laughter finally slowed down enough to allow him to get some words out. “I’m sorry,” he said between petering chuckling, “But your hair was just asking to be messed with.”

“Wait, so you’re not mad,” Ryker asked

“Mad? Why would I be mad?”

“You got a hole in your shoulder thanks to me.”

Pfffft, this thing,” he gestured to his bandaged shoulder, “Don’t worry about it, you didn’t get all the way through and you failed to hit any bones. Easy enough for medical magic to fix.”

The laughter continued for another few minutes, all the while Ryker sat there silent and embarrassed. Eventually, the chorus died down, the last few chuckles from Anjali and Hro petering out before the calm hush returned. Ryker was still sitting embarrassed for himself, keeping his hands in his lap. Ulia glanced back over at him, then snapped his fingers. The spell on Ryker’s hair was released as he felt his hair return to its proper position, draped over his shoulders.

“Not one for pranks I’m guessing,” Ulia asked, mildly concerned that he had somehow offended his victim.

“No, not really,” Ryker replied

“Alright, that's enough of all that,” Argust interjected, “Let's return to the matter at hand. Who are you four?”

Melissa sat up and cleared her throat, bringing the tent’s full attention to herself, “My name is Melissa Gale,” she began, “This is my wife, Sarah, and our sons Ryker and Aaron.”

Argust nodded his head in acknowledgment, “We know who you are, but that doesn’t answer our question. What are you?”

“What do you mean,” Sarah questioned.

“You look like us, but you’re not one of our species. You’re clearly not Gemstian or even Chillruian. So what are you?”

“Wait, are you asking what species we are?”

“Yes, I am.”

“Human,” Aaron cut in, “We’re humans. Are you not human as well?”

“Clearly not,” Ryker said, “8 feet tall with ears like knives, big ole eyes, calling us smoothears, pretty obvious they aren’t human.”

“That would be correct, everyone in this camp are Anurians.”

“Wait, so you’re not elves,” Ryker asked.

“No, this is the first time I’ve ever even heard the word elf,” Argust replied, “Why, are there similar beings to us from where you’re from?”

“Only in stories and folktales, but they never existed in reality.”

“And you’re humans huh? Never heard of them before,” Hro replied, “How do we know you’re these so-called humans? How do we know that's just not another story of yours; what if you’re imperial soldiers in disguise, here to spy on us?”

“First of all, that would be a pretty stupid thing to say to any potential spies, because now they would know you would be suspicious of them and would bounce out of the camp as soon as they could; probably taking as much documentation as they could and sowing just as much damage,” Ryker retorted, “Second of all-”

“Spies wouldn’t act the way the four of them did when we first caught them,” Argust interrupted.

“See? You’re Captain isn’t an idiot.”

Hro stared at the Captain in annoyance. The Captain stared right back, neither one of them blinking. Hro looked away, towards the ground, before muttering to himself and falling silent. His focus returned to Ryker and his family.

“Right, but that leads me to my next question: If you aren’t working for the Imperial Army, why did we find you in one of their escort carriages?”

“We were captured, clearly,” Melissa said.

“Captured? You were prisoners?”

“Of a sort, yes. Although what laws we broke to warrant such treatment I have no idea.”

“Wait one second,” Ulia asked, “How can you be prisoners and not know what laws you broke? Imperials may be bastards but it's one of their twelve fundamental privileges that prisoners know what they’re being imprisoned for. They would never break one of those privileges”

“Do they give the same treatments to non-citizens,” Sarah questioned.

“Of course, the twelve privileges are a fundamental birthright. Everyone born on Nelt is entitled to them.”

“Well there you go, you answered your own question,” Ryker stated.

“What are you saying?”

“They weren’t born on Nelt, Ulia,” Anjali finally said, “They’re from another world entirely.” The room once again went quiet, it was an impossibility, strangers from another world here within their own. The tent stared at the humans for an eternity, the realization hit them like a brick wall.

“If you’re from another world, then why did the Imperials capture you? Did they do anything to you during your imprisonment,” Argust questioned. His tone was deadly serious, the tension hung in the air like a strangling fog, all eyes fixated on the humans. The four of them held their heads down in anguish, terrible memories filling their thoughts as they remembered being back at that torturous place. Ryker lifted his head and took a deep breath.

“They did what I can only describe as experiments. They poked and prodded us, injected us with this horrible, horrible substance. It was like my blood was boiling, my bones melting, my skin peeling off from my arms. So many times they cut us open like rats, looking for something that wasn’t there. Other times they drained our very blood from our bodies like we were some cyst they needed to drain. They even went as far as to setting us on fire, standing behind their glass walls while I burned in front of them. It was just hell, pure hate-filled hell.”

They stared up at Ryker in shock and horror. Ryker realized he had knocked back his chair in rage as he recounted his story. He wiped the sweat from his face and realized he had begun to cry during his recounting as well. Ryker picked the chair back up and sat upon it, looking to the floor.

“I’m sorry for my behavior, I didn’t mean to yell.”

“No, it's alright, we understand,” Argust quietly said, trying to reassure Ryker. Sarah stroked Ryker’s hair, trying to calm him down.

“Explains why you’re not in a pranking mood I suppose,” Ulia muttered to himself. Sarah glared at him.

“Then, you have no idea what they were looking for,” Anjali asked.

“Not one clue, those elf-bastards never gave us any hint at what they wanted. Whatever it was they were testing for, they were willing to kill us to find it.”

“So after your ordeal, you were being escorted somewhere else. Based on the number of guards they had with you they wanted it to be a secret and quiet escort. Which means that they didn’t want the Conglomeration finding out you four and what they were doing.”

“What are you getting at, Argust,” Ulia asked

“That means two things. One: we need to get the four of them back to Florim and find out what the Imperials were looking for in the humans. Why capture beings from another world? What could you four have that the Imperials want so badly?

“And the second thing?”

“We finally have an ace in the hole to end this war.”

“Woah there longear,” Ryker shouted, “While I appreciate everything you’ve done for us; we aren’t some secret weapons for you to send out and destroy your enemies with. This isn’t even our world, our war. What makes you think we’re gonna lay down our lives to save yours?”

“Well the way I see it you have two options. Either come with us at the least and find out what the Imperials wanted with you or take your risks in the wilds while said imperials hunt you down to continue their experiments.” 

Ryker’s voice got caught in his throat, the Captain had a point. They had no chance out there in an unknown world with an entire army looking for them. On the other hand, Argust was basically kidnapping him, holding their lives as a ransom to get them to do what he wanted. Ryker cursed under his breath.

“Do you promise to let us go the moment you find out what those elf-bastards wanted with us. No fighting, no being secret weapons.”

Argust sighed, “I only promise to try and find another way for you to help us.”

“And do you promise to help us find a way back to our own world after everything is said and done.”

“That I can not, you’re gonna have to talk to the General for that.”

Ryker clenched his fist, trembling in frustration, the adrenaline from his recountment still fresh in his system. He sighed as well and walked over to the tent’s entrance. Aaron, Melissa, and Sarah all quietly following him out. He didn’t have much of a choice, his eyes were hidden by shadows, he menacingly stared at the elves behind him. 

“You better protect us with your lives, elf.”

“I’ll give you my soul.”


And with that last word, Ryker and his family left the tent to the camp at large, the guards at the entrance left their posts followed. Argust and the others were left alone to sit and ponder the situation they were now stuck in.

“Captain,” Hro began, “You know you can’t guarantee their safety forever. Eventually, they’re gonna have to fight.”

“Maybe, but for now they deserve at least some peace of mind. After what they went through, I don’t know how well they could function as soldiers. Though, there's just one thing that I still don’t understand about them.”

“And that is,” Anjali asked.

“How did the four of them get to our world in the first place?”


Author's Note: This was uploaded as part of a bulk upload to the site. As such theres no author's note at this time.