Brisken of the Fae


Chapter 1: Chained

A fell wind blew through the cell window and, with harsh gusts, disturbed the loose chains of the two prisoners. The low, jangling sound woke one from his restless sleep. The awakened prisoner stretched his arms lazily around him, but there was little space available to him in the tiny, filth caked, cell. The chains bound around his wrists were rubbing his pale skin raw.

As Ryker stretched his slender frame against the wall, his bones cracked with every move. He swept his matted, midnight black hair away from his face and scratched the scruff on his chin. A pair of sea-green eyes stood out amongst the dark bags. He looked up at the tiny window barred with rusty iron bars; a small stream of orange and blue sunlight cascaded upon the cell and rested above the prisoners. Ryker turned his attention away from the light source and gazed around the cell; by the pitiful amount of light available Ryker lost count at the number of dried blood puddles that caked the rough, gray bricks of the room in a sickly looking copper red tone. And while the dual-colored sunlight lacked in visibility it more than made up for in heat as the tiny cell began to slow roast its two inhabitants and their unfinished "meals".

Wishing to momentarily forget his abysmal life, Ryker looked down to his lap to the other sleeping prisoner, a young boy by the name of Aaron. He was a tan-skinned boy with a head of chestnut and an even smaller body that looked no older than fifteen. His clothes were in tatters, much the same as Ryker, with the remnants of a once neon blue T-shirt and black jeans being reduced to muddy rags.

Ryker swept his chest-length hair behind his ears and rested his weight against the cooling embrace of the cell's stone wall. He closed his eyes and attempted to regain some energy for the long days to come. Although rest would not come to him on this day; it never came since his imprisonment so why should it yield now?

The sounds of an enormous wooden door being unbolted from its ancient locks jolted both prisoners awake with shock and fear. Aaron looked to his brother for comfort, his sky blue eyes shrouded in absolute terror. All the boys could do to quell their fears was to huddle close and pray.

The door to the cell opened with a loud and surprising BOOM! A pair of guards armed with swords by their sides, spears in hand and coated in elegant iron armor, etched with glowing blue runes of an indecipherable language stormed into the cell, their boots making an echoing clanking sound with each and every stride. They stood opposite of the cell door and took up intimidating scowls that were evident even through their helmets. Soon thereafter, a familiar sound of leather boots on stone came echoing through the cell. In came a man of towering height and dressed in a finely made fire red tunic adorned with glowing blue and gold runes. His most striking feature of all though was his elongated and pointed ears adorned with silver chains and earrings that shimmered in the low light. A strange sense of curiosity and hatred filled his almond eyes as he examined the two prisoners at his feet. He brushed his golden, braided hair onto his back as he bent down to meet the boys at eye level.

"I have some good news for the two of you," he said with what seemed to be disappointment, "Looks like your stay here is about to be cut short."

Ryker gripped his younger brother tighter. Scowling at the man he spat, "What do you mean? Have you finished your sick experiment elf?"

"No, the experiments are far from over. The only difference now is the location. I've already made preparations for your departure," the elf said with a subtle "matter of fact" tone that sounded like he gave the information only out of policy, yet enjoyed every word that left his lips.

"And when exactly will we be sent?"

"You, as well as those dreadful women, will be out of my Tarras soon enough,'' The elf said. Rising to his feet as he stretched and popped his neck in many directions. “Honestly I'm excited about a change in scenery. Being out here in the wild is dreadfully boring. Well… at least when I'm not playing with my favorite toys of course,” the elf chortled to himself as he remembered the fun he had with his prisoners. 

Ryker gritted his teeth and held back the urge to choke the last hearty chuckle out from the elf in front of him. He just furthered death tightened his grip on Aaron.

"Ryker...," Aaron meekly squeaked out, "Are Melissa and Sarah going to be alright?"

"I don't know Aaron. I really don't know," Ryker said, shaking his head in defeat.

"Elf-bastard, where the hell are you taking us anyway?"

"Oh I'm not at liberty to tell you that,'' the Elf said with glee, "But I will tell you that it’s a fun place. Well, fun for me at least."

Ryker furrowed his brow but held his tongue. The last thing he needed to do was piss off the bastard with two heavily armed guards in the room.

Just then a shorter, fatter elf came rushing through the door drenched in sweat; he looked like he had just run a marathon with his labored breaths and wobbly legs barely able to contain his massive weight. He held in his hand what looked to be a crumpled piece of paper with runes similar to the ones on the other elves' clothing.

"Sir Reyoulr sir," he said between gasps, "I bring news from the king." He handed the message over to Reyoulr. He took it with a mix of annoyance and curiosity.

Reyoulr looked over the message. Squinting his large eyes in the dim lighting of the cell. As he looked over the document his facial expression changed from one of annoyance to pride, and finally to defeat. Crumbling it up, he tossed it into the corner of the cell and spoke some words under his breath. The document suddenly burst into flames, charring the corner where it landed. Ryker and Aaron closed their eyes and held each other tighter, trembling in fear.

"Well now I have some bad news boys. It looks like I will not be joining you to your new home as I have some business to attend elsewhere." Reyoulr said with dismay. "Termino! Iomn! and you messenger, come! We have lots of work that needs to be done. And boys... I'll be waiting for you," a cruel happiness was in his voice as he spoke.

And with that final farewell, the elves finally left the mangled cell in peace, much to the relief of its two occupants. Though that did nothing to quell their fears and worries as the two of them began to weep silently in each other's arms.


Author's Note: This was uploaded as part of a bulk upload to the site. As such theres no author's note at this time.