Brisken of the Fae

Welcome to the Realm of the Fae!

Welcome to my Website!

Welcome, welcome, welcome one and all to my Website! Don't mind the construction barriers and strange screams echoing througout the place. Thats normal, I swear :3. 

Anyways, if you're on this website, that means you have a vested interest in me or my various works! Well first off, thank you so much for having that interest! It must mean i'm doing something right.

This site is mostly a collection of all my works from around the web. Most notably my Short Stories, my Twine Games, and of course my Novel: Strangers of Dread. With any luck i'll be uploading something new in one of these categories once a month or so. Depends on the complexity and my schedule for that month. I always try to release something though. So make sure to check back in often so you can see what i'm up too! 

Beyond this website of course, you can find me on a few other platforms such as

You may or may not see me on a few other sites. But with the death of Cohost, i'm kinda done with social media for the time being. Bluesky and twitter has an awful site premise that only promotes hottakes, advertisement, and contextless fights. Mastodon is just worst tumblr. Tumblr is Tumblr. Garrb is full of weirdos. And Fediverse is just.... yeah. And don't even get me started on Facebook or gods forbid reddit. Right now, until I see a better site for me to be on, i'm just gonna refrain from using such sites. If you need to talk to me, I have my links posted above. Otherwise, no. 

Site News

9/14/2024 - Site Offically Launched. Many things need to be done. 

Comments: Its been a few weeks since i've actually created this site, but i'm only getting around to working on it today. Cohost dying has kinda forced my hand in that regard. It sucks, that site had its problems and its toxcitiy, but I always enjoyed my time with the site more than any other platform on the internet. I hope one day I find something just as great, if not greater. Till then, this is my new home now. 

9/15/2024 - Writings and comments have been added, still much to do. 

Comments: Now that i've gotten the layout and design (mostly) squared away, its time to actually begin filling this place up with content! What better way to start than the entire reason I started this place in the first... place. My writings! As you can see here i've uploaded the first 10 chapters of my Novel: Strangers of dread! I'm super proud of what i've done, and I hope you enjoy reading it! I've also uploaded my only published work, The Cave, onto here as well! More of my writings will be happening soon, including chapter 11. Beyond that, i'm sure you've noticed a peculiar looking area above each writing, some some of REEVERED area. Well I plan on adding a music player to these pages that will play songs that I think fit the writing the best, perhaps more but thats tricky since I would want the music to be following the story, but since everyone reads at different paces I can't exactly do that consistently. Ah well, i'll think of something! Also, below each of my writings is a comment section! Feel free to leave your thoughts below each piece, although I do ask that you refrain from spamming too much. I only have the free plan right now and it limits me to 100 comments a month. I doubt i'll reach that many, but you never know.  


If you see things in this area, it means i'm trying something out for another part of the site.